Adsense earnings going down

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Well in the last couple of days I saw a steep decline in my Adsense earnings. It made me a bit worried cause traffic was a round double and revenue in halved. How's that possible?

I tried researching and found that the average CPC has declined heavily, causing this. I still wanted to learn more about this and in a Google group forum I found that due to Panda update, the premium advertisers are making a switch and moving away from Google Adword. Thus, there is a decline in premium CPC Adword customers and therefore, there is a steep decline in Adsense earning.


While searching for all this I found that this had hit a number of Adsense publishers. Well, I am still not on great heights but what about the publishers with extremely high traffic. If they won't get premium CPC ads, they will suffer a pitfall.

After checking my own account I feel the person was somehow, right. His assumptions made me feel a bit more worried. Well, still don't worry Google will put effort to recover.

If you are too suffering from this then all I will say is-

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