Lyrics instead of poetry

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No Poetry
A blog especially for those who don't have English as their mother tongue and have English in their schools, and ofcouse have to arite essay in English. Now, this is basically an idea by my friend Anupam. We both used it in our board exams and with pure coincidence, we both started our essays on different topics but with same Lyrics.
To get good marks or to impress teacher you need to have some very good content or have to put down some lines from poetry. Now here's a very simple alternative.
Sometimes it's required to give the name of poet too, for that you just need to know the real name of singer, for example real name of AKON is Aliaune Damala Bouga Time Puru Nacka Lu Lu Lu Badara Akon Thiam (NO NEED TO WRITE THE FULL NAME).

Now don't waist your potential in learning some poetry of not your interest.


This post is republished, previously it was on, but as this post became irrelevant to the blog's niche, it was removed from there. But still this content holds something great to be sharing it again.

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